From the Minister's Desk


Sunday - 9:30 am Sunday School | 10:30 AM Worship Service | tuesday - 7PM Midweek Bible class




God made everything on earth to be used for the good of His eternal purpose. Romans 8:28 in spite of the thing itself, God uses everything for the good of His purpose. Whether it is the tower of Babel which humans created for their own glory or the Cross of Jesus which humans used to crucify the Son of God, the destiny of everything on earth is ultimately used for God’s purpose. God uses rebellious hearts such as Pharaoh’s as an object lesson for His purpose and broken and contrite hearts such as David’s as an example lesson of His purpose. God’s purpose is not dependent upon human desire or cooperation. Although God gives us the choice of purpose, He expects us to put forth our own efforts to discover and fulfill His purpose in our lives. God will not violate our volitionary will and make us see and fulfill His purpose. He always gives us a choice.

If we choose not to give ourselves to His purpose, God will still give us insight into His purpose, In the life of Pharaoh: the scripture says to Pharaoh: “I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth. Although Pharaoh refused to submit to God’s purpose, God still used him and his will disobedience as an object lesson for His purpose: Solomon explains, He has made everything for His purpose even the wicked for the day of trouble. Luke 21:19. 

Paul takes God’s plan a step further when he suggests that God even uses people’s birth order to do the good of his eternal purpose. Rebecca’s children had one and the same father, our father Isaac. Yet before the twins were born before they had chance to do good or bad - in order that God’s purpose, in election might stand: not by works but by Him who calls she was told’ the older will serve the younger. Romans 9:10-12. Notice before Essau and Jacob were even born before they knew anything about God’s purpose God’s purpose had already begun to prevail in their lives. 


The point is this: God’s purpose for our lives is not limited to our own choice. Although God allows us to participate in choosing our purpose. We must never forget God has already chosen us for His purpose even before we were born; He simply allows us to fulfill it.


Dwight F. Brownlee, 

Stay Up & Keep the Faith